Pink Floyd
Pink Floyd es un grupo de rock inglés que cosechó gran popularidadgracias a su música psicodélica y que, con el paso del tiempo, fueevolucionando hacia el rock progresivo y el rock experimental. Esconocido por sus canciones de contenido filosófico, la experimentaciónsónica, las innovadoras portadas de sus discos y sus elaboradosespectáculos en vivo. Es una de las bandas más importantes de la escenadel rock con más de 200 millones de álbumes vendidos en todo delmundo,[4] 74,5 millones de ellos sólo en los Estados Unidos.[5]Inicialmente el grupo estaba formado por el guitarrista Bob Klose, elbatería Nick Mason, el teclista y vocalista Richard Wright, el bajistay vocalista Roger Waters y el guitarrista rítmico y vocalista principalSyd Barrett, quien se convirtió además en el primer líder de la banda.Sin embargo, su extraño comportamiento, causado por el excesivo consumode drogas, especialmente LSD,[1] hizo que fuera sustituido en 1968 porDavid Gilmour, cristalizando así la formación clásica del grupo.
Pink Floyd comenzó con un gran éxito en la escena undergroundlondinense a finales de los años 60, con Syd Barrett como principalcompositor. Después de sus problemas mentales y su salida del grupo, elcantante y bajista Roger Waters se convirtió gradualmente en la fuerzaconductora y dominante en la primera mitad de los años 70, la época demayor éxito en ventas de la banda, hasta su salida de ella en 1985. Elgrupo grabó durante esta época muchos álbumes que se convirtieron engrandes éxitos comerciales, como The Dark Side of the Moon (1973), WishYou Were Here (1975), Animals (1977) y The Wall (1979). En 1985, Watersdeclaró la extinción de Pink Floyd, pero el resto de los miembros,encabezados por Gilmour, fueron demandados por Waters por los derechosdel nombre de la banda, ya que ellos continuaron grabando y haciendogiras bajo el nombre de Pink Floyd y él pensaba que el nombre de labanda no debía seguir siendo utilizado. Tras los juicios, Waters obtuvolos derechos exclusivos sobre toda la imaginería que desplegaban en susconciertos (incluido su famoso cerdo volador) y los derechos sobre elespectáculo audiovisual de The Wall, salvo los tres temas que compusoGilmour para la obra ("Young Lust", "Run Like Hell" y "ComfortablyNumb") y toda la obra incluida en The Final Cut, mientras el resto delgrupo podía seguir usando el nombre. Después de dejar los problemaslegales, Gilmour, Mason y Wright disfrutaron del éxito comercial de AMomentary Lapse of Reason (1987) y The Division Bell (1994). Waters seembarcó en una carrera como solista y no se volvió a reunir con PinkFloyd hasta 24 años después, el 2 de julio de 2005 en el concierto Live8 en Londres.
The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn (1967)
1. "Astronomy Domine" (Barrett) 4:12
2. "Lucifer Sam" (Barrett) 3:07
3. "Matilda Mother" (Barrett) 3:08
4. "Flaming" (Barrett) 2:46
5. "Pow R. Toc H." (Barrett, Waters, Wright, Mason) 4:26
6. "Take Up Thy Stethoscope And Walk" (Waters) 3:05
7. "Interstellar Overdrive" (Barrett, Waters, Wright, Mason) 9:41
8. "The Gnome" (Barrett) 2:13
9. "Chapter 24" (Barrett) 3:42
10. "Scarecrow" (Barrett) 2:11
11. "Bike" (Barrett) 3:21
* Syd Barrett - guitarra y voz.
* Roger Waters - bajo, voz y guitarra adicional.
* Richard Wright - órgano, piano y voz.
* Nick Mason - batería, percusión.
A Saucerful Of Secrets (1968)
1. "Let There Be More Light" (Waters) 5:38
2. "Remember a Day"' (Wright) 4:33
3. "Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun" (Waters) 5:27
4. "Corporal Clegg" (Waters) 4:12
5. "A Saucerful of Secrets" (Waters, Wright, Mason, Gilmour) 11:57
6. "See Saw" (Wright) 4:37
7. "Jugband Blues" (Barrett) 3:00
* Roger Waters - Bajo, voz y guitarra adicional.
* Syd Barrett - Guitarra en "Remember A Day" y "Jugband Blues" y voz en "Jugband Blues".
* David Gilmour - Guitarra y voz excepto en "Remember A Day" y "Jugband Blues".
* Richard Wright - Teclados y voz.
* Nick Mason - Batería, percusión.
* Norman Smith - Batería y coros en "Remember A Day".
* 8 músicos del Ejército de Salvación (The International Staff Band, eninglés) - Ray Bowes (Corneta), Terry Camsey (Corneta), Mac Carter(Trombón), Les Condon (Bajo eléctrico Eb), Maurice Cooper (Bombardino),Ian Hankey (Trombón), George Whittingham (Bajo eléctrico Eb), en"Jugband Blues".
* Roger Waters - Bajo, voz y guitarra adicional.
* Syd Barrett - Guitarra en "Remember A Day" y "Jugband Blues" y voz en "Jugband Blues".
* David Gilmour - Guitarra y voz excepto en "Remember A Day" y "Jugband Blues".
* Richard Wright - Teclados y voz.
* Nick Mason - Batería, percusión.
* Norman Smith - Batería y coros en "Remember A Day".
* 8 músicos del Ejército de Salvación (The International Staff Band, eninglés) - Ray Bowes (Corneta), Terry Camsey (Corneta), Mac Carter(Trombón), Les Condon (Bajo eléctrico Eb), Maurice Cooper (Bombardino),Ian Hankey (Trombón), George Whittingham (Bajo eléctrico Eb), en"Jugband Blues".
[HR] More (BSO) (1969) [HR]Tracklist
1. "Cirrus minor" (Waters) 5:18
2. "The Nile Song" (Waters) 3:27
3. "Crying Song" (Waters) 3:34
4. "Up The Khyber" (Mason, Wright) 2:13
5. "Green Is The Colour" (Waters) 2:58
6. "Cymbaline" (Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason) 4:49
7. "Party Sequence" (Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason) 1:07
8. "Main Theme" (Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason) 5:31
9. "Ibiza Bar" (Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason) 3:16
10. "More Blues" (Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason) 2:12
11. "Quicksilver" (Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason) 7:10
12. "A Spanish Piece" (Gilmour) 1:05
13. "Dramatic Theme" (Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason) 2:16
* Roger Waters - Bajo, y voz.
* David Gilmour - Guitarra, y voz.
* Richard Wright - Teclados y voz.
* Nick Mason - Batería, percusión.
* Roger Waters - Bajo, y voz.
* David Gilmour - Guitarra, y voz.
* Richard Wright - Teclados y voz.
* Nick Mason - Batería, percusión.
[HR] Ummagumma (1969)
Álbum en vivo
1. "Astronomy Domine" (Barrett) 8:31
2. "Careful With That Axe, Eugene" (Waters, Wright, Mason, Gilmour) 8:50
3. "Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun" (Waters) 9:12
4. "A Saucerful Of Secrets" (Waters, Wright, Mason, Gilmour) 12:49
Álbum de estudio
1. "Sysyphus, Part 1" (Wright) 1:08
2. "Sysyphus, Part 2" (Wright) 3:28
3. "Sysyphus, Part 3" (Wright) 1:48
4. "Sysyphus, Part 4" (Wright) 6:59
5. "Grantchester Meadows" (Waters) 7:28
6. "Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict" (Waters) 4:57
7. "The Narrow Way, Part 1" (Gilmour) 3:29
8. "The Narrow Way, Part 2" (Gilmour) 2:50
9. "The Narrow Way, Part 3" (Gilmour) 5:58
10. "The Grand Vizier's Garden Party, Part 1: Entrance" (Mason) 0:59
11. "The Grand Vizier's Garden Party, Part 2: Entertainment" (Mason) 7:06
12. "The Grand Vizier's Garden Party, Part 3: Exit" (Mason) 0:40
* Richard Wright - Voz, piano, melotrón, órgano, cimbales, tambor,gong, guitarra slide, tratamientos de cinta, efectos ambientales decinta.
* Roger Waters - "Grantchester Meadows": Voz, guitarra acústica,efectos ambientales de cinta. "Several Species of Small Furry AnimalsGathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict": Voces y efectosde cinta.
* David Gilmour - Voz, guitarra acústica, guitarra eléctrica, guitarraslide, bajo, piano, órgano, melotrón, percusión, sintetizador VCS3.
* Nick Mason - Batería y percusión.
* Storm Thorgerson - Pasos al final de "Grantchester Meadows".
* Lindy Mason (esposa de Nick Mason) - Flautas en "The Grand Vizier's Garden Party", Partes I y III.
* Richard Wright - Voz, piano, melotrón, órgano, cimbales, tambor,gong, guitarra slide, tratamientos de cinta, efectos ambientales decinta.
* Roger Waters - "Grantchester Meadows": Voz, guitarra acústica,efectos ambientales de cinta. "Several Species of Small Furry AnimalsGathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict": Voces y efectosde cinta.
* David Gilmour - Voz, guitarra acústica, guitarra eléctrica, guitarraslide, bajo, piano, órgano, melotrón, percusión, sintetizador VCS3.
* Nick Mason - Batería y percusión.
* Storm Thorgerson - Pasos al final de "Grantchester Meadows".
* Lindy Mason (esposa de Nick Mason) - Flautas en "The Grand Vizier's Garden Party", Partes I y III.
Atom Heart Mother (1970)
1. "Atom Heart Mother" (Mason, Gilmour, Waters, Wright, Geesin) 23:44
* a. Father's Shout
* b. Breast Milky
* c. Mother Fore
* d. Funky Dung
* e. Mind Your Throats Please
* f. Remergence
2. "If" (Waters) 4:30
3. "Summer '68" (Wright) 5:29
4. "Fat Old Sun" (Gilmour) 5:22
5. "Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast" (Waters, Mason, Gilmour, Wright) 13:00
* a. Rise and Shine
* b. Sunny Side Up
* c. Morning Glory
* Roger Waters - Bajo, voz y guitarra adicional.
* David Gilmour - Guitarra, bajo y voz.
* Richard Wright - Órgano, orquestación y voz.
* Nick Mason - Batería, percusión.
* Ron Geesin - Orquestación y composición.
* Alan Stiles - Voz de fondo en la canción "Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast".
* Abbey Road Session Pops Orchestra - Orquesta en "Atom Heart Mother" y vientos en "Summer '68".
* The John Aldiss Choir - Coros.
* Roger Waters - Bajo, voz y guitarra adicional.
* David Gilmour - Guitarra, bajo y voz.
* Richard Wright - Órgano, orquestación y voz.
* Nick Mason - Batería, percusión.
* Ron Geesin - Orquestación y composición.
* Alan Stiles - Voz de fondo en la canción "Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast".
* Abbey Road Session Pops Orchestra - Orquesta en "Atom Heart Mother" y vientos en "Summer '68".
* The John Aldiss Choir - Coros.
Embryo - Recorded Live At San Diego (1971)
01 - Careful With That Axe, Eugene
02 - Fat Old Sun
03 - Atom Heart Mother
04 - Embryo
05 - Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
06 - Cymbaline
07 - Blues Jam
Meddle (1971)
1. "One of These Days" (Mason, Gilmour, Waters, Wright) 5:56
2. "A Pillow Of Winds" (Gilmour, Waters) 5:13
3. "Fearless" (Gilmour, Waters) 6:08
4. "San Tropez" (Waters) 3:43
5. "Seamus" (Mason, Gilmour, Waters, Wright) 2:15
6. "Echoes" (Mason, Gilmour, Waters, Wright) 23:39
* Roger Waters - Bajo, voz y guitarra adicional.
* David Gilmour - Guitarra, bajo, voz y armónica en "Seamus".
* Rick Wright - Teclados y voz.
* Nick Mason - Batería, percusión y efecto de voz en "One of These Days".
* "Fearless" incluye un extracto del tema You'll never walk alone, compuesto por Rodgers Hammerstein II.
* Seamus (el perro de Steve Marriot) - aullidos en el tema del mismo nombre.
* Roger Waters - Bajo, voz y guitarra adicional.
* David Gilmour - Guitarra, bajo, voz y armónica en "Seamus".
* Rick Wright - Teclados y voz.
* Nick Mason - Batería, percusión y efecto de voz en "One of These Days".
* "Fearless" incluye un extracto del tema You'll never walk alone, compuesto por Rodgers Hammerstein II.
* Seamus (el perro de Steve Marriot) - aullidos en el tema del mismo nombre.
Relics (1971)
1. Arnold Layne
2. Interstellar Overdrive
3. See Emily Play
4. Remember a Day
5. Paintbox
6. Julia Dream
7. Careful with That Axe, Eugene
8. Cirrus Minor
9. The Nile Song
10. Biding My Time
11. Bike
Live At Pompeii (1972)
Disco 1:
1. Pompeii 1:52
2. Echoes (Part 1) 11:43
3. Careful With That Axe, Eugene 6:20
4. A Saucerful Of Secrets 10:02
Disco 2:
1. One Of These Days 5:40
2. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun 10:20
3. Brain Damage 2:02
4. Us & Them 3:18
5. Mademoiselle Knobs 1:50
6. Echoes (Part 2) 13:03
Obscured by Clouds (1972)
1. "Obscured By Clouds" (Waters, Gilmour) 3:05
2. "When You're In..." (Mason, Gilmour, Waters, Wright) 2:31
3. "Burning Bridges" (Waters, Wright) 3:30
4. "The Gold It's In The..." (Waters, Gilmour) 3:08
5. "Wots... Uh The Deal" (Waters, Gilmour) 5:09
6. "Mudmen" (Wright, Gilmour) 4:18
7. "Childhood's End" (Gilmour) 4:33
8. "Free Four" (Waters) 4:16
9. "Stay" (Wright, Waters) 4:07
10. "Absolutely Curtains" (Mason, Gilmour, Waters, Wright) 5:51
* Roger Waters - Bajo, y voz.
* David Gilmour - Guitarra, y voz.
* Richard Wright - Teclados y voz.
* Nick Mason - Batería, percusión.
* La tribu Mapuga de Nueva Guinea (grabado en vivo) - coros al final de "Absolutely Curtains".
* Roger Waters - Bajo, y voz.
* David Gilmour - Guitarra, y voz.
* Richard Wright - Teclados y voz.
* Nick Mason - Batería, percusión.
* La tribu Mapuga de Nueva Guinea (grabado en vivo) - coros al final de "Absolutely Curtains".
The Dark Side of the Moon (1973)
1. "Speak to Me"(Mason) 1:08
2. "Breathe" (Gilmour/Waters/Wright) 2:48
3. "On the Run" (Gilmour/Waters) 3:50
4. "Time" (con "Breathe (Reprise)") (Gilmour/Mason/Waters/Wright) 7:04
5. "The Great Gig in the Sky" (Wright)4:48
6. "Money" (Waters) 6:24
7. "Us and Them" (Waters/Wright) 7:49
8. "Any Colour You Like" (Gilmour/Mason/Wright) 3:26
9. "Brain Damage" (Waters) 3:50
10. "Eclipse" (Waters) 2:04
* Roger Waters - Bajo, voz, sintetizador, sintetizador VCS3 y efectos de cintas.
* David Gilmour - Guitarra, voz y sintetizador, sintetizador VCS3.
* Richard Wright - Teclados, sintetizador, sintetizador VCS3 y voz.
* Nick Mason - Batería, percusión y efecto de cintas.
* Lesley Duncan, Doris Troy, Liza Strike y Barry St. John - Voces y coros.
* Dick Parry - Saxofón en Money y Us and Them.
* Clare Torry - Voz en The Great Gig In The Sky y otros.
* Roger Waters - Bajo, voz, sintetizador, sintetizador VCS3 y efectos de cintas.
* David Gilmour - Guitarra, voz y sintetizador, sintetizador VCS3.
* Richard Wright - Teclados, sintetizador, sintetizador VCS3 y voz.
* Nick Mason - Batería, percusión y efecto de cintas.
* Lesley Duncan, Doris Troy, Liza Strike y Barry St. John - Voces y coros.
* Dick Parry - Saxofón en Money y Us and Them.
* Clare Torry - Voz en The Great Gig In The Sky y otros.
Wish You Were Here (1975)
1. "Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts I - V)" (David Gilmour/Roger Waters/Richard Wright) (13:30)
2. "Welcome to the Machine" (Roger Waters) (7:27)
3. "Have a Cigar" (Roger Waters) (5:08)
4. "Wish You Were Here" (David Gilmour/Roger Waters) (5:40)
5. "Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts VI - IX)" (David Gilmour/Roger Waters/Richard Wright) (12:22)
Pink Floyd
* Roger Waters: voz, bajo, guitarra, sintetizador
* David Gilmour: voz, guitarra, bajo adicional
* Nick Mason: batería
* Richard Wright: teclados, sintetizador, voz
Otros músicos
* Dick Parry: saxo
* Roy Harper: voz en "Have A Cigar"
* Venetta Field: coros
* Carlena Williams: coros
* Roger Waters: voz, bajo, guitarra, sintetizador
* David Gilmour: voz, guitarra, bajo adicional
* Nick Mason: batería
* Richard Wright: teclados, sintetizador, voz
Otros músicos
* Dick Parry: saxo
* Roy Harper: voz en "Have A Cigar"
* Venetta Field: coros
* Carlena Williams: coros
Animals (1977)
1. "Pigs on the Wing (Part 1)" (Waters) 1:25
2. "Dogs" (Waters, Gilmour) 17:04
3. "Pigs (Three Different Ones)" (Waters) 11:26
4. "Sheep" (Waters) 10:24
5. "Pigs on the Wing (Part 2)" (Waters) 1:25
Pink Floyd
* Roger Waters - bajo, voz, guitarra acústica, guitarra rítmica, vocoder, efectos de cinta, diseño
* David Gilmour - guitarra, voz, bajo, sintetizador
* Richard Wright - órgano Hammond, piano, sintetizador, coros
* Nick Mason - batería, percusión, efectos de cinta, diseño gráfico
* Roger Waters - bajo, voz, guitarra acústica, guitarra rítmica, vocoder, efectos de cinta, diseño
* David Gilmour - guitarra, voz, bajo, sintetizador
* Richard Wright - órgano Hammond, piano, sintetizador, coros
* Nick Mason - batería, percusión, efectos de cinta, diseño gráfico
The Wall (1977)
Disco 1
1. "In the Flesh?" – 3:16
* Vocalista principal: Roger Waters
2. "The Thin Ice" – 2:27
* Vocalistas principales: David Gilmour and Roger Waters
3. "Another Brick in the Wall (Part I)" – 3:21
* Vocalista pricipal: Roger Waters
4. "The Happiest Days of Our Lives" – 1:46
* Vocalista principal: Roger Waters
5. "Another Brick In The Wall (Part II)" – 4:00
* Vocalistas principales: David Gilmour, Roger Waters, y the Islington Green School Choir en el coro
6. "Mother" – 5:36
* Vocalistas principales: David Gilmour and Roger Waters
7. "Goodbye Blue Sky" – 2:45
* Vocalista principal: David Gilmour
8. "Empty Spaces" – 2:10
* Vocalista principal: Roger Waters
9. "Young Lust" (David Gilmour/Roger Waters) – 3:25
* Vocalista principal: David Gilmour
10. "One of My Turns" – 3:35
* Vocalista principal: Roger Waters
11. "Don't Leave Me Now" – 4:16
* Vocalista principal: Roger Waters, "ooohh babe.." section at the end sung by David Gilmour
12. "Another Brick in the Wall (Part III)" – 1:14
* Vocalista principal: Roger Waters
13. "Goodbye Cruel World" – 0:48
* Vocalista principal: Roger Waters
Disco 2
1. "Hey You" – 4:40
* Vocalistas principales: David Gilmour y Roger Waters
2. "Is There Anybody Out There?" – 2:44
* Vocalista principal: Roger Waters
3. "Nobody Home" – 3:26
* Vocalista principal: Roger Waters
4. "Vera" – 1:35
* Vocalista principal: Roger Waters
5. "Bring the Boys Back Home" – 1:21
* Vocalista principal: Roger Waters
6. "Comfortably Numb" (David Gilmour/Roger Waters) – 6:24
* Vocalistas principales: David Gilmour (coro) y Roger Waters (versos)
7. "The Show Must Go On" – 1:36
* Vocalista principal: David Gilmour
8. "In the Flesh" – 4:13
* Vocalista principal: Roger Waters
9. "Run Like Hell" (David Gilmour/Roger Waters) – 4:19
* Vocalista principal: Roger Waters
10. "Waiting for the Worms" – 4:04
* Vocalistas principales: David Gilmour y Roger Waters
11. "Stop" – 0:30
* Vocalista principal: Roger Waters
12. "The Trial" (Roger Waters/Bob Ezrin) – 5:13
* Vocalista principal: Roger Waters
13. "Outside the Wall" – 1:41
* Vocalista principal: Roger Waters
A Collection Of Great Dance Songs (1981)
01. One of These Days lyrics
02. Money lyrics
03. Sheep lyrics
04. Shine on You Crazy Diamond lyrics
05. Wish You Were Here lyrics
06. Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2 lyrics
The Wall, The Film (Soundtrack) (1982)
The Final Cut (1983)
1. "The Post War Dream" - 3:02
2. "Your Possible Pasts" - 4:22
3. "One of the Few" - 1:23
4. "The Hero's Return" - 2:56
5. "The Gunner's Dream" - 5:07
6. "Paranoid Eyes" - 3:40
7. "Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert" - 1:19
8. "The Fletcher Memorial Home" - 4:11
9. "Southampton Dock" - 2:13
10. "The Final Cut" - 4:46
11. "Not Now John" - 5:01
12. "Two Suns in the Sunset" - 5:14
Works (1983)
One of these days
Arnold Layne
Brain damage
Set the controls for the heart of the sun
Several Species Of Small Furry Animals
See Emily play
Free four
Breathe reprise
A Momentary Lapse Of Reason (1987)
1. "Signs of Life" (David Gilmour, Bob Ezrin) – 4:24
* Instrumental
2. "Learning to Fly" (Gilmour, Anthony Moore, Ezrin, Jon Carin) – 4:53
3. "The Dogs of War" (Gilmour, Moore) – 6:05
4. "One Slip" (Gilmour, Phil Manzanera) – 5:10
5. "On the Turning Away" (Gilmour, Moore) – 5:42
6. "Yet Another Movie" (Gilmour, Patrick Leonard) – 7:28
* "Round and Around" (Gilmour) o Instrumental
7. "A New Machine (Part 1)" (Gilmour) – 1:46
8. "Terminal Frost" (Gilmour) – 6:17
* Instrumental
9. "A New Machine (Part 2)" (Gilmour) – 0:38
10. "Sorrow" (Gilmour) – 8:46
Pink Floyd
* David Gilmour – vocals, guitars, keyboards, sequencers
* Nick Mason – drums, percussion, drum machine, sound effects
* Richard Wright – keyboards, backing vocals
* Tony Levin – bass guitar, Chapman Stick
* Bob Ezrin – percussion
* Carmine Appice – drums
* Jim Keltner – drums
* Jon Carin – keyboards
* Tom Scott – alto and soprano saxophones
* Scott Page – tenor saxophone
* Patrick Leonard – synthesizers
* Bill Payne – Hammond organ
* Michael Landau – backing guitar
* John Helliwell – saxophone (mistakenly credited as John Halliwell)
* Darlene Koldenhaven, Carmen Twillie, Phyllis St. James, Donnie Gerrard – backing vocals
* Spherical sound by: Ken Caillat, Tom Jones, Sarah Nean Bruce
* Recorded by: Guy Charbonneau, Le Mobile, Los Angeles
* Additional sound effects by: Andrew Jackson
* General technical and musical instrument supervision: Phil Taylor
* Mastered at: Mastering Lab & Precision Lacquer
* Pink Floyd management: Steve O'Rourke, EMKA Productions, London
* David Gilmour – vocals, guitars, keyboards, sequencers
* Nick Mason – drums, percussion, drum machine, sound effects
* Richard Wright – keyboards, backing vocals
* Tony Levin – bass guitar, Chapman Stick
* Bob Ezrin – percussion
* Carmine Appice – drums
* Jim Keltner – drums
* Jon Carin – keyboards
* Tom Scott – alto and soprano saxophones
* Scott Page – tenor saxophone
* Patrick Leonard – synthesizers
* Bill Payne – Hammond organ
* Michael Landau – backing guitar
* John Helliwell – saxophone (mistakenly credited as John Halliwell)
* Darlene Koldenhaven, Carmen Twillie, Phyllis St. James, Donnie Gerrard – backing vocals
* Spherical sound by: Ken Caillat, Tom Jones, Sarah Nean Bruce
* Recorded by: Guy Charbonneau, Le Mobile, Los Angeles
* Additional sound effects by: Andrew Jackson
* General technical and musical instrument supervision: Phil Taylor
* Mastered at: Mastering Lab & Precision Lacquer
* Pink Floyd management: Steve O'Rourke, EMKA Productions, London
A Tree Full Of Secrets (Rarities) (1987)
por el momento no
Prism (Live) (1987)
Delicate Sound Of Thunder (Live) (1988)
Disc o uno:
1. "Shine On You Crazy Diamond", Pts. 1-5 (David Gilmour, Rick Wright, Roger Waters) – 11:54
* Originally from Wish You Were Here
2. "Learning to Fly" (Gilmour, Anthony Moore, Bob Ezrin, Jon Carin) – 5:27
* Originally from A Momentary Lapse of Reason
3. "Yet Another Movie" (Gilmour, Patrick Leonard) – 6:21
* Originally from A Momentary Lapse of Reason
4. "Round and Around" (Gilmour) – 0:33
* Originally from A Momentary Lapse of Reason
* Instrumental
5. "Sorrow" (Gilmour) – 9:28
* Originally from A Momentary Lapse of Reason
6. "The Dogs of War" (Gilmour, Moore) – 7:19
* Originally from A Momentary Lapse of Reason
7. "On the Turning Away" (Gilmour, Moore) – 7:57
* Originally from A Momentary Lapse of Reason
Disco dos:
1. "One of These Days" (Gilmour, Wright, Nick Mason, Waters) – 6:16
* Originally from Meddle
* Instrumental
2. "Time" (Gilmour, Wright, Mason, Waters) – 5:16
* Originally from The Dark Side of the Moon
* Lead vocals: Gilmour and Wright
3. "Wish You Were Here" (Gilmour, Waters) – 4:49
* Originally from Wish You Were Here
4. "Us and Them" (Wright, Waters) – 7:22
* Originally from The Dark Side of the Moon
* The LP version does not include this track.
5. "Money" (Waters) – 9:52
* Originally from The Dark Side of the Moon
6. "Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)" (Waters) – 5:29
* Originally from The Wall
7. "Comfortably Numb" (Gilmour, Waters) – 8:56
* Originally from The Wall
8. "Run Like Hell" (Gilmour, Waters) – 7:12
* Originally from The Wall
* Lead vocals: Gilmour and Guy Pratt
Musicos :
# David Gilmour – guitars, vocals
# Nick Mason – drums, percussion
# Richard Wright – keyboards, vocals
# Tim Renwick – guitars, vocals
# Jon Carin – keyboards, vocals
# Guy Pratt – bass guitar, vocals
# Gary Wallis – percussion
# Scott Page – saxophones, guitar
# Margret Taylor – backing vocals
# Rachel Fury – backing vocals
# Durga McBroom – backing vocals
The Division Bell (1994)
1. "Cluster One" (David Gilmour, Richard Wright) – 5:58
* Instrumental
2. "What Do You Want from Me?" (Gilmour, Wright, Polly Samson) – 4:21
3. "Poles Apart" (Gilmour, Wright, Samson, Nick Laird-Clowes) – 7:04
4. "Marooned" (Gilmour, Wright) – 5:29
* Instrumental
5. "A Great Day for Freedom" (Gilmour, Samson) – 4:17
6. "Wearing the Inside Out" (Wright, Anthony Moore) – 6:49
* Lead vocals: Richard Wright
7. "Take It Back" (Gilmour, Samson, Laird-Clowes, Bob Ezrin) – 6:12
8. "Coming Back to Life" (Gilmour) – 6:19
9. "Keep Talking" (Gilmour, Wright, Samson) – 6:11
10. "Lost for Words" (Gilmour, Samson) – 5:14
11. "High Hopes" (Gilmour, Samson) – 8:32
Equipo :
* David Gilmour – vocals, guitars, bass guitar, Keyboards, production, mixing and programming
* Richard Wright – keyboards, piano, vocals
* Nick Mason – drums, percussion and programming
* Jon Carin – additional keyboards
* Guy Pratt – bass guitar
* Gary Wallis – percussion
* Tim Renwick – guitars
* Dick Parry – saxophone and trumpet
* Carol Kenyon – backing vocals, vocals on "Keep Talking"
* Sam Brown – backing vocals
* Bob Ezrin – drums, production and composing in "Take It Back"
* Anthony Moore - lyrics in "Wearing The Inside Out"
* Michael Kamen – orchestral arrangements
* Professor Stephen Hawking – digital voice on "Keep Talking"
* Chris Thomas - mixing
* David Gilmour – vocals, guitars, bass guitar, Keyboards, production, mixing and programming
* Richard Wright – keyboards, piano, vocals
* Nick Mason – drums, percussion and programming
* Jon Carin – additional keyboards
* Guy Pratt – bass guitar
* Gary Wallis – percussion
* Tim Renwick – guitars
* Dick Parry – saxophone and trumpet
* Carol Kenyon – backing vocals, vocals on "Keep Talking"
* Sam Brown – backing vocals
* Bob Ezrin – drums, production and composing in "Take It Back"
* Anthony Moore - lyrics in "Wearing The Inside Out"
* Michael Kamen – orchestral arrangements
* Professor Stephen Hawking – digital voice on "Keep Talking"
* Chris Thomas - mixing
[HR] Pulse (Live) (1995)
1. "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" (Concert version) (Gilmour/Waters/Wright)
2. "Learning to Fly" (Gilmour/Moore/Ezrin/Carin)
3. "High Hopes" (Gilmour/Samson)
4. "Take It Back" (Gilmour/Ezrin/Samson/Laird-Clowes)
5. "Coming Back to Life" (Gilmour)
6. "Sorrow" (Gilmour)
7. "Keep Talking" (Gilmour/Wright/Samson)
8. "Speak to Me" (Mason)
9. "Breathe" (Gilmour/Waters/Wright)
10. "On the Run" (Gilmour/Waters)
11. "Time" (Gilmour/Mason/Waters/Wright)
12. "The Great Gig in the Sky" (Wright/Clare Torry)
13. "Money" (Waters)
14. "Us and Them" (Waters/Wright)
15. "Any Colour You Like" (Gilmour/Mason/Wright)
16. "Brain Damage" (Waters)
17. "Eclipse" (Waters)
18. "Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)" (Waters)
19. "One of These Days" (Gilmour/Mason/Waters/Wright)
20. "Wish You Were Here" (Gilmour/Waters)
21. "Comfortably Numb" (Gilmour/Waters)
22. "Run Like Hell" (Gilmour/Waters)
[HR] Is Anybody Out There? - The Wall Live (2000)
Echoes - The Best Of Pink Floyd (2001)
Disco uno
1. "Astronomy Domine" – 4:10 (from The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, 1967)
2. "See Emily Play" – 2:47 (Single, also appeared on Relics and the USand Japan releases from The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, 1967)
3. "The Happiest Days of Our Lives" – 1:38 (from The Wall, 1979)
4. "Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)" – 4:01 (from The Wall, 1979)
5. "Echoes" – 16:30 (Edited version) (from Meddle, 1971)
6. "Hey You" – 4:39 (from The Wall, 1979)
7. "Marooned" – 2:02 (Edited version) (from The Division Bell, 1994)
* Only the first half of the track is present, the track fades out before the drums begin.
8. "The Great Gig in the Sky" – 4:39 (from Dark Side of the Moon, 1973)
9. "Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun" – 5:20 (from A Saucerful of Secrets, 1968)
10. "Money" – 6:29 (from Dark Side of the Moon, 1973)
11. "Keep Talking" – 5:57 (from The Division Bell, 1994)
12. "Sheep" – 9:46 (early fade-out) (from Animals, 1977)
13. "Sorrow" – 8:45 (from A Momentary Lapse of Reason, 1987)
Disco dos
1. "Shine On You Crazy Diamond Parts 1-7" – 17:32 (from Wish You Were Here, 1975)
* An edited version of the song to incorporate both halves of the song.
2. "Time" (w/ "Breathe (Reprise)") – 6:48 (from Dark Side of the Moon, 1973)
3. "The Fletcher Memorial Home" – 4:07 (from The Final Cut, 1983)
4. "Comfortably Numb" – 6:53 (from The Wall, 1979)
* On this collection, the track is lengthened to include part of "Bring the Boys Back Home".
5. "When the Tigers Broke Free" – 3:42 (from the film version of TheWall, also appears on 2004 remaster of The Final Cut, 1983)
6. "One of These Days" – 5:14 (abridged) (from Meddle, 1971)
7. "Us and Them" – 7:51 (from Dark Side of the Moon, 1973)
8. "Learning to Fly" – 4:50 (from A Momentary Lapse of Reason, 1987)
9. "Arnold Layne" – 2:52 (non-album single, 1967; appears on Relics, 1971)
10. "Wish You Were Here" – 5:20 (from Wish You Were Here, 1975)
11. "Jugband Blues" – 2:56 (from A Saucerful of Secrets, 1968)
12. "High Hopes" – 6:59 (abridged) (from The Division Bell, 1994)
13. "Bike" – 3:24 (from The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, 1967)
Equipo :
* Syd Barrett - Guitar and Vocals on "Astronomy Domine", "See Emily Play", "Arnold Layne", "Jugband Blues" and "Bike".
* Roger Waters - Bass Guitar, Rhythm Guitar on "Sheep", Tape effects and Vocals
* David Gilmour - Guitars, Fretless Bass on "Hey You", Bass guitar on"Sheep" and "High Hopes", additional keyboards, drum programming on"Sorrow" and Vocals
* Richard Wright - Keyboards, Organ, Piano, Synthesizers, Clavinet, and Vocals
* Nick Mason - Drums, Percussion, Tape effects and Vocalisations on "One of These Days".
* James Guthrie - Remastering, Percussion on "The Happiest Days of Our Lives"
* Islington Green School - choir on "Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)"
* Pontardulais Male Voice Choir led by Noel Davis - choir on "When the Tigers Broke Free"
* Jon Carin - Additional keyboards on "Marooned", "Keep Talking" and "High Hopes"
* Guy Pratt - Bass on "Marooned" and "Keep Talking"
* Tony Levin - Bass on "Sorrow" and "Learning To Fly"
* Clare Torry - Vocalisations on "The Great Gig in the Sky"
* Sam Brown, Durga McBroom and Carol Kenyon - backing vocals on "Keep Talking"
* Dick Parry - baritone and tenor saxophones on "Money", "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" and "Us and Them".
* Michael Kamen - orchestrations on "High Hopes", "The FletcherMemorial Home" and "When the Tigers Broke Free" and piano on "TheFletcher Memorial Home".
* Lee Ritenour - acoustic guitar on "Comfortably Numb"
* 8 members of the Salvation Army (The International Staff Band) - RayBowes (cornet), Terry Camsey (cornet), Mac Carter (trombone), LesCondon (Eb bass), Maurice Cooper (Euphonium), Ian Hankey (trombone),George Whittingham (Bb bass), and one other on "Jugband Blues".
* Storm Thorgerson - Cover design
* Syd Barrett - Guitar and Vocals on "Astronomy Domine", "See Emily Play", "Arnold Layne", "Jugband Blues" and "Bike".
* Roger Waters - Bass Guitar, Rhythm Guitar on "Sheep", Tape effects and Vocals
* David Gilmour - Guitars, Fretless Bass on "Hey You", Bass guitar on"Sheep" and "High Hopes", additional keyboards, drum programming on"Sorrow" and Vocals
* Richard Wright - Keyboards, Organ, Piano, Synthesizers, Clavinet, and Vocals
* Nick Mason - Drums, Percussion, Tape effects and Vocalisations on "One of These Days".
* James Guthrie - Remastering, Percussion on "The Happiest Days of Our Lives"
* Islington Green School - choir on "Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)"
* Pontardulais Male Voice Choir led by Noel Davis - choir on "When the Tigers Broke Free"
* Jon Carin - Additional keyboards on "Marooned", "Keep Talking" and "High Hopes"
* Guy Pratt - Bass on "Marooned" and "Keep Talking"
* Tony Levin - Bass on "Sorrow" and "Learning To Fly"
* Clare Torry - Vocalisations on "The Great Gig in the Sky"
* Sam Brown, Durga McBroom and Carol Kenyon - backing vocals on "Keep Talking"
* Dick Parry - baritone and tenor saxophones on "Money", "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" and "Us and Them".
* Michael Kamen - orchestrations on "High Hopes", "The FletcherMemorial Home" and "When the Tigers Broke Free" and piano on "TheFletcher Memorial Home".
* Lee Ritenour - acoustic guitar on "Comfortably Numb"
* 8 members of the Salvation Army (The International Staff Band) - RayBowes (cornet), Terry Camsey (cornet), Mac Carter (trombone), LesCondon (Eb bass), Maurice Cooper (Euphonium), Ian Hankey (trombone),George Whittingham (Bb bass), and one other on "Jugband Blues".
* Storm Thorgerson - Cover design
Descargar Disco a Disco
The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn (1967)
A Saucerful Of Secrets (1968)
More (BSO) (1969)
Ummagumma (1969)
Atom Heart Mother (1970)
Meddle (1971)
Embryo - Recorded Live At San Diego (1971)
Live At Pompeii (1972)
Relics (1971)
Obscured by Clouds (1972)
The Dark Side of the Moon (1973)
Wish You Were Here (1975)
Cruel But Fair (1975)
Animals (1977)
The Wall (1977)
A Collection Of Great Dance Songs (1981)
The Final Cut (1983)
Works (1983)
A Momentary Lapse Of Reason (1987)
Prism (Live) (1987)
Delicate Sound Of Thunder (Live) (1988 )
The Division Bell (1994)
Pulse (Live) (1995)
Is There Anybody Out There? - The Wall Live (2000)
Echoes - The Best Of Pink Floyd (2001)
Descargas Discografía Completa (Solo con Jdownloader)
Discografía Pink Floyd
Is There Anybody Out There? - The Wall Live (2000) CD 1
Is There Anybody Out There? - The Wall Live (2000) CD 2
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